7 smrtnih grijeha u ljepoti tag/ TAG -7 deadly sins in beauty

U našoj maloj, ali slatkoj grupici smo se dogovorili da pišemo neki tag post, ili 7 smrtnih grijeha ili 50 činjenica o meni. Ja sam za početak izabrala 7 smrtnih grijeha, a nadam se da ću ubrzo nekada napisati i ovaj drugi, jer je super način da se stekne neki dojam o osobi. 50 činjenica nije malo :-D

Some bloggers in our small, but sweet group have come to an agreement to write a tag post, either 7 deadly sins or 50 facts about me. For starters. I chose to write about my 7 deadly sins in beauty, but I hope to write the latter one as well, since it is a great way to meet someone. 50 is not a small number :-D.

1. POHLEPA- Najskuplji i najjeftiniji proizvod koji imate?
Najjeftiniji proizvod koji imam su definitivno Rapsodi i Gabrini lakovi koje sam na koridoru plaćala nekih 60 feninga. Jeftinije od toga ne može ići....Najskuplji je Shiseido četkica za čišćenje lica koju imam dugo i super mi je.

1. GREED-What is your most expensive and most inexpensive beauty item?
The most inexpensive beauty item that I have are actually my Rapsodi and Gabrini nail polishes that cost me around 30 cents. It can't go cheaper than that... The most expensive item is my Shiseido face cleansing brush that I own for a long time and I love it.

2.BIJES-S kojim proizvodom imate love-hate vezu?
Artdeco baza za sjenilo... Super čuva sjenu, ali se brzo suši u pakovanju. Nekada mi tako lijepo legne na kapak, a nekada moram brisati šminku, jer se stvore neke sitne grudvice...Nema mi ništa mrže od toga.

2.WRATH-What product do you have a love-hate relationship with?
It's my Artdeco eyeshadow base. It keeps my eyeshadow in place, but dries out  fastly in its packaging. Sometimes it goes on very smoothly on my eyelid and sometimes I have to remove my eye makeup because some tiny clumps appear...I hate that!

3.PROŽDRLJIVOST-Koji vam je najukusniji proizvod?
Volim maline u svakom obliku, tako da kada stavim svoje Labello Lip Butter  Raspberry Rose samo ga njuškam i na kraju ga poližem :-D. Volim i Balein losion za tijelo sa mirisom Kivija, kao i Essence bronzer koji mi miriše na kokos.

3.GLUTTONY-What are your most delicious beauty products?
I just love raspberries, in their every form, so when I apply my Labello Lip Butter Raspberry rose I can not stop sniffing it and eventually lick it :-D I also love Balea body lotion-Kiwi and my Essence bronzer which smells  like coconuts.

4.LIJENOST-Koji proizvod zanemarujete zbog lijenosti?
Mrzim čekati da mi djeluje maska za kosu, pa tako moje pranje kose uvijek završava sa regeneratorom, a nekada koristim i regenerator koji se ne ispire, samo da skratim vrijeme...

4.SLOTH-What beauty product do you neglect due to laziness?
I hate waiting for hair masks to do their job, so after shampooing my hair I always use just a  conditioner, sometimes evenI use a leave-in conditioner, only to save on time...

5.PONOS-Koji proizvod ti daje najviše samopouzdanja?
Puder! Pošto se užasno crvenim, i ne volim kako mi lice izgleda bez pudera, ne mogu zamisliti otići u grad bez pudera. Jedino ljeti kada ima podosta sunca, pa nabacim naočale i ne skidam ih :-D Lice mi je najljepše izgledalo odmah nakon poroda kada nisam imala kapi krvi u sebi, pa je izgledalo skroz čisto, a i to je trajalo samo par dana...

5.PRIDE-What beauty product gives you the most self confidence?
Foundation! My face is awfully red and I don't like the way it looks without foundation, so I can't imagine going out without it. Well, during Summer, when there is sun, I put on my shades and don't take them off. My face looked the best immediately after my labor, since I didn't have any blood in me, it looked soooo clean, but that lasted for a short period of time..

 6.POŽUDA-Koje osobine ti se najviše svidjaju kod suprotnog spola?
Moj muž ima sve ono što ja volim kod muškarca. Lijepo lice i osmijeh, smisao za humor, dobro srce i pozitivan duh! <3

6.LUST-What attributes do you find most attractive in opposite sex?
My husband has everything that I love in a man. A nice face and smile,a sense of humor, a good heart and positive mind! <3

7.ZAVIST-Koju stvar ili stvari biste voljeli dobiti na poklon?
Šminku!!!! Bilo šta od šminke...Ne bježim ni od parfema :-D Ali inače volim poklone, pa mi je drago kada me se neko sjeti s bilo kakvim poklonom.
7.ENVY-What items would you most like to receive as a gift?
Makeup!!! Any makeup item... Perfumes are also ok :-D But I do love presents, so I'm glad when someone surprises me with anything.

To je to što se tiče ovog taga. Pitanja su mi baš zanimljiva i zabavno mi je raditi ovakvu vrstu postova. Tagujem sve koje čitaju i nadam se da ćete i vi priznati svoje grijehe...

That's it as far as it this tag goes. The questions were very interesting and it's fun to do posts like this one. I tag everyone reading this and I hope that you will confess to your sins.

The Lipstick Bar


Nedavno sam u CM-u naišla na ove 'upijajuće papiriće' (blotting papers :-D) i odmah sam ih zgrabila, jer ih odavno nije bilo, a nikada ih nisam isprobala, i pored silne želje. Odmah sam ih taj dan i isprobala, pošto su mi nos i brada bili kao nauljeni od silne masnoće usljed vrućine i malo duže vožnje autom. I sve se odmah upilo, a samo sam dva puta  lagano prislonila papirić na lice. Wow. Od tada ih nosim u torbici i ne odvajam se od njih.

I recently visited a local drug store and ran into these blotting papers, I grabbed them immediately, because I haven't seen them for a while, and never tried them, though I wanted to. I tried them out the same day, since my nose and chin were extremely oily from the heat outside and a long drive in my car. Everything was absorbed instantly and I only lightly pressed the paper on my skin twice. Wow. I am taking them in my purse with me since then and they are always with me.

Kutijica je mala, slatka, kartonska i u nju stane 50 listića, što ipak može dugo da potraje. Lako ih je izvaditi, a ostatak papirića ostaje nedirnut, tako da ostanu i čisti. Koštaju nešto ispod 5 KM i super su investicija i jedna od onih stvari koje uvijek trebamo imati u torbi. Moraću ih kupiti još, za svaki slučaj...

The small, cute, cardboard box fits 50 papers, which can last you a long time. The papers are easy to take out of the box and the rest of the papers stays intact and hence stay clean. The price is a little under 2,5 euros and they are a great investment and one of those things you always have too keep in your purse. I will have to stock them up, just in case...

Jeste li ih vi isprobale, ove ili neke druge i koje preporučujete?

Have you tried them out, these or other brands, which one do you recommend?

                                       The Lipstick Bar.

L'Oreal Skin Perfection 3-in-1 Purifying Micellar Solution

Znam da postoji more postova vezano za ovu micelarnu, ali i ja sam htjeli izraziti svoj sud, a možda neko i nije pročitao, pa evo prilike. L'Orealovu micelarnu sam odavno željela da isprobam, ali imala sam još uvijek svoje Bioderme, a kasnije se u mom DM-u rasprodala kao luda. Ali prije nekoliko dana sam je dobila na poklon od prijateljice i pošteno sam se obradovala. Od tada samo nju koristim i isprobavam i do sada sam prezadovoljna njome. Inače mislim da su micelarne najbolji način skidanja šminke, jer lice ne ostaje masno, šminka se ne razmazuje po cijelom licu a ujedno i toniraju kožu.

I know that there is a bunch of posts regarding this micellar solution, but I wanted to give my opinion as well, and, maybe there is someone who hasn't read anything about it, so this is their chance. I wanted to try out the L'Oreal Skin Perfection 3-in-1 Purifying Micellar Solution for a long time, but I still had some of my Bioderma left, and later on it was sold out in my drugstore. A few days ago a friend of mine bought it for me as a gift and I was truly pleased. I have been using it since then and so far, I am loving it. I do think that micellar solutions are the best way to remove your makeup, because there is no greasy feeling on the face afterwards, the makeup does not smear all over your face and it tones the skin.

A zašto se zove 3u1?  Zato što L'Oreal obećava da:
1) Odstranjuje šminku
2)Odčepljuje pore i uklanja nečistoće
3)Tonizira i umirije kožu
 Slažem se sa L'orealom, radi sve ovo :-D. Super skida šminku, mada treba malo više otopine nego recimo kod Bioderme i malo zapne na eyelineru, ali to mi je ok. Tonira kožu, a i kao da su mi pore malo finije :-D
Ako sam umorna lice čistim samo sa njom i umijem se na kraju, a ako imam dosta vremena, onda ipak i detaljnije očistim lice.

Why is it called  a 3in1 product? Because L'oreal promises it to:
1) Dissolve make-up
2)Unclog pores and removes impurities
3) Tone and soothe skin
I agree with L'oreal, it does all that :-D. It removes make-up pretty nicely, though you need more solution than with Bioderma and it stucks a bit with eyeliner, but that's ok for me. It tones the skin and my pores seem nicer :-D. When I am tired or lazy I only use the solution to clean my face and wash it afterwards, but when I have the time and I'm in the mood, I do clean my face more thoroughly.

Tanka, plastična bočica sadrži 200ml proizvoda, a može se koristiti 6 mjeseci nakon otvaranja. Svidja mi se i to što pakovanje nije okruglo, kao kod ostalih micelarnih koje sam probala, ovako mi nekako izgleda interesantnije.  Jedina mana ovog proizvoda je ta što je rupica kuda otopina prolazi malo šira, pa se vrlo lako može desiti da izidje previše otopine ako se ne pazi. Sve u svemu, super proizvod. Može vrlo lako parirati Biodermi, a nama u BiH je malo teže doći do nje, tako da je ovo L'orealovo čudo fantastična zamjena. Ko još nije probao definitivno preporučujem!

The slim, plastic bottle contains 200ml of product and it can be used for 6 months after opening it. I like the fact that the packaging is not round, as with the other ones I tried, it kinda looks more interesting to me. The only negative side to this product is that the opening is a bit wider, so if you are not careful, too much fluid can go through it. All in all, this is a great product. It can go hand in hand with Bioderma, and it is so hard for us in Bosnia to get it, so this little miracle from L'oreal is a fantastic substitute. If you haven't tried it, I highly recommend you do!

xoxo ,
The Lipstick Bar