
Danas ću vam malo pisati o MUA lip triu u nijansi Scarlet
koji sam osvojila na jednom od velikih MUAinih darivanja povodom velikog broja
fanova na njihovoj facebook stranici. I prije nego što sam osvojila ovaj trio
razmišljala sam da li da ga kupim, jer su mi stvarno preslatka ova pocket size
pakovanja, bilo čega...
Ne znam, uvijek me mamilo ovako nešto minijaturno, pa
makar i ne koristila, samo nek je tu, da gledam...
Trebalo je svega oko 7 dana
da pisamce dodje iz Engleske i kada sam ga otvorila vidjela sam jednu malu
okruglu plastičnu kutijicu sa sjajilima u njoj. Izgledalo mi je kao igračka,
ali u pozitivnom smislu, baš mi je bilo slatko.
I will write about the MUA
lip trio in
the shade Scarlet that I won at one of MUA’s big
giveaways regarding a huge number of their facebook
fans. Even before I won this trio I was thinking
of buying it, because I find
these pocket-size packages really
sweet... I don’t know, I'm always attracted to miniature packaging, and even if I
don’t use the product, I like to have it, even only for
looking at it. ...
It took around
seven days for the package to arrive, and when I opened it, I saw a
small round plastic box with
lip gloss in it. It
looked like a toy, but in a
positive way, it was soo cute.
Alverde je kao praznični set izbacio ovaj predivni set putera za tijelo kojem nisam mogla odoljeti. Inače imam jako malo njihovih proizvoda, jer jednostavno nisam imala sreće ni sa jednim proizvodom koji sam kupila, tako da sam odustala od ovog brenda, ali ovaj set mi se baš učinio zanimljivim. Set sadrži 3 putera za tijelo sa tri različita mirisa:
*Sueser Traum-miris čokolade i brusnice. Jako bogat miris gdje na početku preovladava čokolada, ali malo kasnije se počinje miješati i miris brusnice.
*Verwoehn Traum-cimet i vanilija. Ja ovdje i ne osjetim cimet, sto mi je jako čudno, jer cimet inače ima jak miris i gotovo uvijek potuši ostale nota, ali ovdje preovladava vanilija. Divan miris i pravi zimski.
*Geniesser Traum-miris pečene jabuke. Divan. Moj favorit od ova 3 definitivno.
Alverde released this beautiful set of body butters as a holiday limited edition that I just could not resist buying.I don't have many Alverde products simply because I had no luck with anything I bought from them, so I gave up on the brand as a whole, but this set I found very interesting and appealing. The set contains 3 Body butters with three different scents:
* Sueser Traum - smell of chocolate and cranberries. Very rich scent where, at the beginning, the smell of chocolate prevails, but later on you begin to smell the cranberries
* Verwoehn Traum- cinnamon and vanilla. I can not feel the cinnamon, which is very odd, because it usually takes over any smell, but here vanilla prevails and it's a real winter scent
* Genießer Traum - smell of baked apples. Beautiful. My favorite out of the three, definitely.
Pakovanje svakog od putera je 50 g i super su mi za putovanja ili za torbice. Ja padam na ova mala, slatka pakovanja, a makar jedan od ovih putera će mi poslužiti kao krema za ruke. Fino su masni i lijepo se razmazuju, ne ostaje ruzni trag za njima, nego samo divan, zimski miris i mekana koža. Ne traju nesto pretjerano dugo na koži, ali i ne moraju, svidjaju mi se i uprkos tome.Kao što sam rekla, moj favorit je miris pečene jabuke.
I da, možete ih kupiti u DM-u po cijeni od 5,95 KM.(3 Eura)
Jeste li ih probali? Koji je vaš favorit? Imate li mi nešto drugo preporučiti od Alverde kozmetike?
The packaging of each butter is 50 g and it's a great size for travelling or your purse. I'm a sucker for this kind of small, cute packaging, and at least one of these butters will serve me as a hand cream. They are greasy enough and spread nicely on the skine, there are no unwanted traces, but just adorable, winter scent and soft skin. They do not last too long on your skin, but they don't have to, I like them despite that fact. My favorite scent is that of baked apples.
Oh yes, you can get them at DM drugstores for the price of 3 Euros.
Have you tried them? Which one is your favorite? Do you recommend anything else by Alverde cosmetics?
U zadnje vrijeme nisam baš mogla mnogo da lakiram nokte, iz razloga što sam bila strašno nervozna, a u tom slucaju je najbolje da nemam ništa na noktima, inače ode sve nervoznim ćopkanjem i ćaprkanjem, tako da sam napravila malu pauzu. Situacija se malo popravila, pa sam i poželjela da ih malo uredim, iako su užasno kratki, ali nema veze, bitno je da su lijepi, je l' tako? :-D Pored bijele, strašno volim i crnu boju laka za nokte, a i odgovara ovakvom tmurnom vremenu. Jedan od mojih omiljenih je ovaj Deborah koji ima mat zavšetak, i takav mi baš i odgovara.
I haven't been able to use nail polish lately, because I was extremely nervous and at that time, it's best for me to keep my nails clean, otherwise I would take it all off by nervously touching my nails constantly. Things are a bit better now, so I decided to color them a bit, though they are extremely short, but that's not important, right? What matters is that they're pretty :-D. Next to white, black is a shade I love on my nails, plus it agrees with this horrible weather outside. One of my favorite lacquers is this Deborah one with a matte finish, and it suits me best, just like that...
Inače, ovaj lak je iz Sense Tech linije, s mat završetakom, broj 01, standardna crna boja, a iz ove linije imam još i 04, jedna prelijepa mint boja koju stalno koristim ljeti i 11, plavo ljubičasti sa sitnim srebrenim šljokicama..
U jednostavnoj, ali elegantnoj boćici koja je takodjer matirana dobijemo 8,5 ml proizvoda,a četkica je standardna i lak se lijepo nanosi. Takodjer se i jako brzo suši i ne trebate koristiti nikakve proizvode za brze sušenje, a boja je tako bogata da vam je dovoljan samo jedan sloj laka, što sam i ja uradila i vidite da zaista dobro izgleda. Ja volim kombinaciju mat laka sa nečim drugačijim, šljokicama, sjajnim detaljima i slično, a ovaj put sam izabrala ovaj životinjski print koji ima dosta sjaja u sebi, a to je u stvari Sally Hansen naljepnica za nokte-320 Kitty, Kitty. Ne znam šta još da kažem osim da strašno volim ovaj lak i da pogledate još par sličica.
BTW, this nail polish is from the Sense Tech line, a matte finish and this one is number 01, a standard black. I also have two more from this line, #04, a wonderful mint color that I always wear during summer and #11, a blueish-purple shade with silver glitter, also matte.
We get 8 ml in a simple, yet elegant bottle which is also matte, and the brush is standard and applies well. The lacquer also dries really fast, so you don't need any of speed drying tools and the color is so rich, you only need one coat. I did one coat and see how great it looks. I like to pair matte nail polishes with something duifferent, either glitter or shiny particles or something like that, but this time I chose an animal print which is also pretty shiny. This is actually Sally Hansen's nail strips in 320 Kitty, Kitty. I don't know what else to say, but that I simply love this nail polish and you can see some more photos below...
Kako vam se svidja? Kakve vi boje trenutno volite?
How do you like it? What shades are you loving at the moment?
I haven't been able to use nail polish lately, because I was extremely nervous and at that time, it's best for me to keep my nails clean, otherwise I would take it all off by nervously touching my nails constantly. Things are a bit better now, so I decided to color them a bit, though they are extremely short, but that's not important, right? What matters is that they're pretty :-D. Next to white, black is a shade I love on my nails, plus it agrees with this horrible weather outside. One of my favorite lacquers is this Deborah one with a matte finish, and it suits me best, just like that...
Inače, ovaj lak je iz Sense Tech linije, s mat završetakom, broj 01, standardna crna boja, a iz ove linije imam još i 04, jedna prelijepa mint boja koju stalno koristim ljeti i 11, plavo ljubičasti sa sitnim srebrenim šljokicama..
U jednostavnoj, ali elegantnoj boćici koja je takodjer matirana dobijemo 8,5 ml proizvoda,a četkica je standardna i lak se lijepo nanosi. Takodjer se i jako brzo suši i ne trebate koristiti nikakve proizvode za brze sušenje, a boja je tako bogata da vam je dovoljan samo jedan sloj laka, što sam i ja uradila i vidite da zaista dobro izgleda. Ja volim kombinaciju mat laka sa nečim drugačijim, šljokicama, sjajnim detaljima i slično, a ovaj put sam izabrala ovaj životinjski print koji ima dosta sjaja u sebi, a to je u stvari Sally Hansen naljepnica za nokte-320 Kitty, Kitty. Ne znam šta još da kažem osim da strašno volim ovaj lak i da pogledate još par sličica.
BTW, this nail polish is from the Sense Tech line, a matte finish and this one is number 01, a standard black. I also have two more from this line, #04, a wonderful mint color that I always wear during summer and #11, a blueish-purple shade with silver glitter, also matte.
We get 8 ml in a simple, yet elegant bottle which is also matte, and the brush is standard and applies well. The lacquer also dries really fast, so you don't need any of speed drying tools and the color is so rich, you only need one coat. I did one coat and see how great it looks. I like to pair matte nail polishes with something duifferent, either glitter or shiny particles or something like that, but this time I chose an animal print which is also pretty shiny. This is actually Sally Hansen's nail strips in 320 Kitty, Kitty. I don't know what else to say, but that I simply love this nail polish and you can see some more photos below...
Kako vam se svidja? Kakve vi boje trenutno volite?
How do you like it? What shades are you loving at the moment?
Mislim da je konačno vrijeme da napravim svoj prvi giveaway, u nadi da će vam se svidjeti šta sam izabrala za vas. Jedna osoba, koju će izvući random.org će dobiti proizvode sa slike...
I think it was about time for my first giveaway, hoping you will like what I chose for you. Random.org will chose one winner to win the products from the photo below...
Ako biste voljeli dobiti ovaj poklončić sve što trebate uraditi jeste:
1. Pratiti me preko GFC-a i/ili lajkati moju FB stranicu
2.Podijeliti javno ovaj post o nagradnoj igri bi bilo poželjno, ali nije pod moranjem
3.U komentarima napisati ime pod kojim me pratite.
To je to :-D
15.11. ću izvući dobitnika koji će imati 48 sati na raspolaganju da mi se javi, inače biram slijedeću osobu.
Nagrada je otvorena za sve, bez obzira na državu stanovanja.
If you would like to win this small present, all you have to do is this:
1.Follow me on GFC and/or like my FB page
2.It would be cool if you posted this giveaway on your FB page, but it's not necessary
3. In the comments, write the name you are using to follow me
That's it!
Random.org will choose a winner 15.November who will have 48 hours to contact me, or else I am choosing another one. This giveaway is open to everyone!
I konačno imamo pobjednicu...Ili? Pošto je ovo moje prvo darivanje odlučila sam da ipak nagradim dvije osobe, a taj drugi poklon neka bude poklon iznenadjenja, mada dosta sličan ovom.
Prvo izvučeno ime i osoba koja bira hoće li poklon iznenadjenja ili onaj koji je uslikan jeste
Druga osoba je
Sanja Vecko ex Tadić
Čestitam i tebi Sanja!
Molim dobitnice da mi se jave u roku 48 sati sa podacima, inače izvlačim drugu pobjednicu, ili pobjednika.
Ostalima želim više sreće drugi put, biće uskoro opet darivanja...:-D
And the winners are : Mell and Sanja Vecko ex Tadić .
I think it was about time for my first giveaway, hoping you will like what I chose for you. Random.org will chose one winner to win the products from the photo below...
Ako biste voljeli dobiti ovaj poklončić sve što trebate uraditi jeste:
1. Pratiti me preko GFC-a i/ili lajkati moju FB stranicu
2.Podijeliti javno ovaj post o nagradnoj igri bi bilo poželjno, ali nije pod moranjem
3.U komentarima napisati ime pod kojim me pratite.
To je to :-D
15.11. ću izvući dobitnika koji će imati 48 sati na raspolaganju da mi se javi, inače biram slijedeću osobu.
Nagrada je otvorena za sve, bez obzira na državu stanovanja.
If you would like to win this small present, all you have to do is this:
1.Follow me on GFC and/or like my FB page
2.It would be cool if you posted this giveaway on your FB page, but it's not necessary
3. In the comments, write the name you are using to follow me
That's it!
Random.org will choose a winner 15.November who will have 48 hours to contact me, or else I am choosing another one. This giveaway is open to everyone!
I konačno imamo pobjednicu...Ili? Pošto je ovo moje prvo darivanje odlučila sam da ipak nagradim dvije osobe, a taj drugi poklon neka bude poklon iznenadjenja, mada dosta sličan ovom.
Prvo izvučeno ime i osoba koja bira hoće li poklon iznenadjenja ili onaj koji je uslikan jeste
Druga osoba je
Sanja Vecko ex Tadić
Čestitam i tebi Sanja!
Molim dobitnice da mi se jave u roku 48 sati sa podacima, inače izvlačim drugu pobjednicu, ili pobjednika.
Ostalima želim više sreće drugi put, biće uskoro opet darivanja...:-D
And the winners are : Mell and Sanja Vecko ex Tadić .
Odavno planiram da napišem svoj prvi new in post, i nikako nisam nalazila vremena, iako sam mislila da će to biti kratki new in. Medjutim, prije par dana sam na PIK-u (bosanski e-bay) naletila na super niske cijene šminke, tako da je ovaj post prerastao u nešto mnogo veće nego sam prvobitno mislila. Još bolje, naravno :-D.
I've been planning to write my first new in post for ages, but I simply couldn't find the time, though I thought it would be a mini new in. But, a few days ago I found some cheap makeup on a Bosnian site, so this post became something larger than initially expected. Even better, of course :-D
Kao što vidite, ima ovdje dosta toga. Par stvari sam dobila i na poklon, nisam baš sve kupila svojim novcem (muževim :-D).
As you can see, there are a lot of things here. I got a few things as a gift though, I didn't purchase everything with my own money(my husband's :-D).
Gledajući u ovu fotografiju možete vidjeti kakve bitke vodim sa svojom kosom. Pored toga što je rijetka, tanka, mekana, ni ravna, ni frćkava, ona se i užasno masti. Bez šampona za suho pranje ne mogu preživjeti i ovaj Balea Trocken Shampoo mi baš paše. Sadrži 200 ml, jeftin je i odradi svoj posao. Jedina zamjerka mu je užasan miris, pa kada ga našpricam moram bježati sama od sebe, ali i drugi koje sam probala su mi smrdili, tako da se ja držim ovoga. Wash & Go Volume Spray za masnu kosu sam samo jednom isprobala dosada i nisam primjetila neku razliku, ali mi nije dodatno umastilo kosu, tako da ću ga nastaviti koristiti,pa ćemo vidjeti šta će biti... Himalaya Protein Shampoo, takodjer za masnu kosu, sam kupila prije dva dana i nisam još oprala kosu s njim, a ako bude kakvih promjena, pisaću, mada čisto sumnjam,.. Kosa mi je stvarno katastrofa...:-(
Looking at the above photo you can see what battles I am fighting with my hair. In addition to it being fine, thin, neither straight, nor curly, it is also super greasy. I couldn't live without a dry shampoo and this Balea Trocken Shampoo suits me pretty well. It is a 200ml container, very cheap and does its job. The only negative side about it is the horrible smell that makes me run from myself, but some others I tried also smelled pretty badly, so I'm sticking with this one. I tried Wash & Go Volume Spray for greasy hair only once and didn't notice any difference, but it did not make my hair more greasy, so I'll continue using it and see what happens. I also bought a new shampoo, Himalaya Protein Shampoo, for greasy hair(of course), and haven't used it yet, but if I see any changes I'll write about it, though I really doubt it. My hair is a disaster...:-(
O Artdeco bronzeru sam mnogo čitala, pohvale naravno, i na kraju se odlučila isprobati ga. Pakovanje je divno, i sama kutija,a i print na samom bronzeru i kada god koristim ovaj bronzer žao mi bude što kvarim izgled, ali šta ću, mora se... Pakovanje sadrži čak 18 g proizvoda, što može dugo trajati, pogotovo još što je dobro pigmentovan, pa ga treba nanositi baš lagane ruke. Ja sam izabrala nijansu 07, tamniju od dvije dostupne. . MUA Lipstick Trio u nijansi Scarlet sam osvojila u njihovoj nagradnoj igri i nijanse su mi super, baš po mom ukusu, a nisu ni loše pigmentacije, mada ništa spektakularno, ali nisam ni očekivala senzaciju. Solidni ružići, zgodni za ponijeti u torbi. Maybelline Dream Touch Blush u nijansi 02 Peach sam naručila sa Feelunique-a i to je bilo, nećete vjerovati, moje prvo kremasto rumenilo. Boja je jako lijepa, mada pomalo svijetla i ne baš pretjerano primjetna, ali daje licu takav lijep sjaj, tako da se nisam pokajala što sam ga kupila.
I read a lot about the Artdeco bronzer, good things only, so I decided to try it out. The packaging is beautiful, both the plastic box and the pattern on the bronzer itself and whenever I use it I feel sad that I have to mess with the pattern, but what else can I do...The product has 18 g, which can go a long way, especially because of the fact that it is well pigmented, so you have to use it with a light hand. My shade is 07, the darker one of the two available. I won MUA Lipstick Trio in the shade Scarlet in one of MUA's giveaways and I like the shades, the pigmentation is not bad, nothing spectacular either, but I did not expect a sensation anyway. The trio is pretty good and a good purse size. Maybelline Dream Touch Blush in shade 02,peach, I ordered from feelunique and it is my first creamy blush, believe it or not. The shade is really pretty, though a bit light and not too visible, but it gives the face such a nice glow that I love, so I did not regret buying it.
This Kioma makeup fixing spray took a long time to get to me, but finally reached me, and I bought it based on a good review written by Marija from Makeup Nered, plus she also helped me get my hands on it. It doesn't do wonders, but it does prolong appearance of shine on my face a bit,and keeps my foundation from sliding off my face a bit longer than on days I am not using it. E-bay blending brushes are a must, because they are not even a dollar and do the blending pretty good. A friend of mine gave me this beautioful P2 Color Victim nail polish in 950ike a mopvie star, which is a beautiful purple shade, and its longeivity is pretty good. I also read many good things about the Avon eyeshadow base and bought it a few days ago and have been using it ever since. It is better than my Artdeco base, which immediately went into oblivion.
Deborah Glossissimo sjajila sam dobila na recenziju i napisala jednu jako kratku recenziju ovdje.
Essence XXXL Shine sjajilo za usne u nijansi 25 Bright side of life sam kupila u lokalnom DMu, privukao me bojom, iako nisam tip za sjajila i mogu reći da je dobro dobar. Lijepo miriše, a i dobro je pigmentovan. Golden Rose City Style maskaru sam kupila u radnji blizu mene, a i nisam nešto posebno oduševljena njom. Mislim super je ona obzirom na cijenu od 3 KM (1,5 EURa), ali ja volim čvršće maskare, trebaju mi čvršće maskare...
I got these Deborah Glossissimo lipglosses for reviewing purposes, and you can read my really short review here . I also bought this Essence XXXL Shine Lipgloss , shade 25 Bright side of life, though I'm not a real fan of lipglosses, but this one is pretty good I must say. It smells good and it is decently pigmented. The last of the four is Golden Rose City Style mascara which I am not a fan of, I don't hate it, I mean it costs only 1,5 Euros, but I like stronger mascaras, I need stronger mascaras...
Ovo mi je najdraži dio iz posta, možete pretpostaviti... Na BeautyBay stranici sam osvojila 50 funti za potrošiti osvojivši drugo mjesto na njihovom takmičenju na Pinterestu i bila sam presretna. Danima sam kontala šta da naručim i na kraju se konačno odlučila za ove dvije ljepotice, obje palete sa neutralnim sjenama, ali ipak različite.Morala sam nadodati nešto novca, ali eto...:-D. Urban Decay Naked paletu svi znamo i ja sam iskreno mislila da mi nikada neće pasti pod ruke, tako da kada sam je otvorila sreći nije bilo kraja. Znate one scene iz filmova kada neko otvara kutijicu, pa ga obasja svjetlost? E tako je meni bilo sa ovom paletom :-D
Stila In The Light paleta mi je dugo bila na listi želja i ona mi je prva i pala na um kada sam osvojila nagradu.Volim što je konačno imam, jer je takodjer predivna predivna paleta. Big Sexy Hair gel za feniranje od 50ml sam dobila kao tester, tako što sam išla na premium order, gdje uplatiš 1,80 EUR-a dodatno, a BeautyBay zauzvrat narudžbu šalje u roku od 12 sati i dobijate i deluxe tester. Gel mi je malo umastio kosu, doduše samo sam ga jednom nanijela, pa može biti i neki drugi uzrok tome, ali će ipak otići u nečije druge ruke.
This is my favorite part of this post, as you can imagine. I won 50 pounds from BeautyBay to spend on their site, by winning 2nd place in one of their Pinterest contests and I was sooooo happy. It took me days to figure out what to order and finally decided on these 2 beauties, both neutral palettes, but still different. I had to add a few pounds, but that's OK :-D...We all know the Urban Decay Naked palette and honestly, I never thought I would own it, so when I opened it I couldn't hide my joy. It was like a scene from the movies where someone opens a box and his face lightens up, the same thing happened to me with this palette.
Stila In The Light palette was on my WL for ages and this palette is the first thing I thought of when I won the prize. I love that it's finally mine and love the palette, since it is so awesome. Big Sexy Hair blow dry volumizing gel came as a sample, where I paid extra 1,80 Euros to go premium with my order, which means that my order will be dispatched within 12 hours and a deluxe sample will be sent to me. It did make my hair more greasy, though I applied it only once and it could be from something else, but I will give it to someone who doesn't have greasy hair like me.
Prekrasne su, zar ne?
They're beautiful, aren't they?
Ovo sve sa gornje slike je došlo u 2 paketa koje sam sa PIKa naručila za 50 KM, zajedno sa poštarinom i otkupninom. Kada sam prvi put naručivala bila sam jako skeptična i bilo me strah šta će zapravo doći, ali kontala sam neće mi biti prvi put da bacim 25 KM, a ako ništa, zanimljivo je otvarati. Bila sam super zadovoljna sa prvim paketom, tako da sam uskoro naručila i drugi. Uglavnom, u paketu dodje 35 artikala, i tako da možete odvojiti dosta toga i za poklone. Ja sam već neke stvarčice podijelila, a ostalo čuvam za sebe, za još poklona i za blogodarivanje.
Everything from the above photo came in two packages I ordered from our Bosnian "e-bay" site and it cost me 25 Euros, shipping costs included. I was really sceptic when I ordered my first package and I was scared of the products I'd receive, but it wouldn't be the first time I throw away that much money and if nothing, it is interesting to open the package. I was pleasantly surprised when the package came. so I ordered a second one a few days later. Anyhow, the package contains 35 products, so there should be enough for presents as well. I already gave away a few things and kept the rest for me, some other gifts and a blog giveaway.
A evo i šta je došlo u paketima:
And this is what arrived in the packages:
Ispao je malo veći new in, ali ja se ne žalim. Ima li nešto od ovoga čiju biste recenziju čitali?
This post turned out bigger than expected, but I'm not complaining :-D. Is there something you would like to read a review about?
Nedavno sam od Deborah Milano Bosna i Hercegovina dobila njihova dva nova sjajila i baš se obradovala. Inače više volim ruževe od sjajila, ali sam odmah pala na ove. Predivna su, a to ne kažem samo zato što ih nisam lično kupila. Čim sam ih otvorila znala sam da ću ih voljeti. Inače, Glossissimo sjajila su jedan od noviteta u Deborah asortimanu i sadrže specijalne polimere za sjaj i hidrataciju, dugotrajna su, ostavljaju super sjajan trag, dermatološki su testirana i hipoalergena! Divota!
recently received two new lipglosses from Deborah Milano Bosnia and Herzegovina and was really delighted.
I do prefer lipsticks over lipglosses , but
I fell on these instantly. They are
wonderful, and I am not saying that just because I didn’t
buy them myself. As soon as I opened
them, I knew I’d love them.
Anyway, Glossissimo glosses
are one of the novelties in the Deborah range and
contain special polymers for shine and hydration,
they are longlasting, super shiny, dermatologically
tested and hypoallergenic! Wonderful!
Moje nijanse su #4, Naked Addicted, nude pink bez imalo šljokica u sebi i super izgleda i samostalno i preko ruža,ima taj divan sjaj koji usne čini primamljivima; i nijansa broj 12,Tempting Purple, koja je šlokičasta tamno roza, ljubičasta, ne znam ni ja tačno, ali je i ona podjednako lijepa. Imaju predivan miris crvenog voća, znam ih mazati po usnama samo zbog mirisa. Dugo traju, ostavljaju finu količinu boje,malo su gušća, ali ne pretjerano ljepljiva, a četkica je dovoljna taman za jedno nanošenje. Mada ja uvijek umočim dvaput :-D. Na slici ispod možete vidjeti kako izgleda na usnama (nadam se da možete vidjeti), ja i aparat se nikako ne slažemo. Aparat nikako ne može da uhvati svu ljepotu ovih sjajila, pogotovo na mojim usnama koje su skroz čudnog oblika, a na fotografijama izgledaju još čudnie U svakom slučaju, mislim da se nećete pokajati ako kupite koji...
My shades are # 2, a nude pink with no glitter
in it and it's great both worn on its own and over a lipstick,it has such a wonderful glow to it, that lips just look yummy and shade
#12, which is a
sparkly dark pink, purple, I
don’t know exactly, but it is equally
beautiful. The glosses have a wonderful red fruits scent, I sometimes
use them just because of the wonderful scent. They last long,
the color payoff is great, they are
pretty dense, but not overly sticky,
and the brush is just big enough for one application.
Although I always
dip in twice:-D. In
the picture below you can see how
it looks on my lips (I
hope you can see it), me and my camera
simply don’t agree. The camera can't pick up all the gorgeousness these glosses have, especially on my lips, since their shape is so weird, and they don't photograph quite as nice.Anyway, I think you will not regret buying a few shades....
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