Iako sam milion puta na youtubeu gledala ovu vrstu videa nije mi naumpalo da pišem ovakav post dok nisam dobila inspiraciju od Neire nakon čitanja njenog posta o greškama djevojaka koje radije kupuju lažnu brendiranu kozmetiku nego jeftiniju kojoj se makar zna porijeklo. Slažem se s Neirom i stvarno treba paziti šta stavljamo na lice, inače možemo imati baš gadnih posljedica. Kvalitetna šminka ne znači uvijek skupa šminka, a ja ću pisati o proizvodima koje ja volim i posjedujem, a koji nisu skuplji od 10 KM(5 eura). I usput da kazem da su proizvodi navedeni nasumično.
(ENG) Although I've seen this kind of videos on YouTube a million times, I never thought about writing a post of this kind until I got inspiration from Neira after reading her post about mistakes that girls make who prefer buying fake HE makeup over cheaper makeup in local drugstores (at least you know their origin). I agree with Neira and I think that we should really be careful with the products we put on our faces, otherwise we cant have ugly consequences. Quality makeup does not always mean expensive makeup, and I'll write about products that I love and I own and which are not more expensive than 10 KM (5 euros). The products are listed randomly.
(ENG) Although I've seen this kind of videos on YouTube a million times, I never thought about writing a post of this kind until I got inspiration from Neira after reading her post about mistakes that girls make who prefer buying fake HE makeup over cheaper makeup in local drugstores (at least you know their origin). I agree with Neira and I think that we should really be careful with the products we put on our faces, otherwise we cant have ugly consequences. Quality makeup does not always mean expensive makeup, and I'll write about products that I love and I own and which are not more expensive than 10 KM (5 euros). The products are listed randomly.
Ova baza mi je super, boje je kože, nije previše ljepljiva i sa njom sjenila zaista traju duže. Puna cijena joj je 11,90 KM (6 eura), ali često bude snižena u avonovom katalogu i ta snižena cijena je oko 7 KM (3,50 eura). Prije nje sam koristila Artdeco bazu i bila mi je odlična jer sam samo nju i imala :-D ali nakon što sam probala ovu gotovo uvijek je koristim. Mislim, odnosno znam, da za ovu cijenu bolju definitivno nećete naći.
(ENG) This eyeshadow base is great, it's the color of the skin, not too sticky and eyeshadows truly last longer with it. The full price of this base is 6 euros, but it is often on sale in the Avon catalog and the reduced price is about 3.50 euros. Before it I used the Artdeco base and it's been great because I've only had that one :-D but after I tried this one it's the ony one I use. Well, most of the time, at least... I think that for this price you will definitely not find a better base.
Odlična maskara za cijenu od 8,50 KM(4.25 eura), sniženu opet. U zadnje vrijeme je Avon imao drugačija pakovanja ove maskare, a ja imam i ovo praznično, zlatno-crno, a i ovo novo,ljubičasto, koje mi se baš i ne svidja. Ali nebitno kakvo je pakovanje, unutra se krije odlična maskara koja mojim trepavicama savršeno odgovara.
(ENG) A great mascara for the price of 4.25 euros, reduced again. Recently Avon had different packaging of this mascara, and I own this festive, gold and black, and the new, purple packaging, which I am not a real fan of. But the packaging does not matter since it hides a great mascara which is perfect for my lashes.
(ENG) A great mascara for the price of 4.25 euros, reduced again. Recently Avon had different packaging of this mascara, and I own this festive, gold and black, and the new, purple packaging, which I am not a real fan of. But the packaging does not matter since it hides a great mascara which is perfect for my lashes.
Mislim da je mali broj žena koje nemaju neki Rimmelov ruž, a oni iz Kate kolekcije su po meni najbolji, a posebno Kate u mat verziji, u crvenom pakiranju... Ruževi su fantastični, odlične pigmentacije, dugotrajni su i divno izgledaju na usnama. Ako ih kojim slučajem niste isprobali toplo vam ih preporučujem. Koštaju negdje oko 6 KM (3 eura).
(ENG) I think there's a small number of women who didn't own a Rimmel lipstick at one point in life, and the Kate collection is the best in my opinion, especially Kate with matte finish, in red packaging ... These lipsticks are fantastic,with excellent pigmentation, they are long lasting and look wonderful on the lips. If you haven't tried them in any chance I highly recommend them. They are somewhere around 3 euros.
(ENG) I think there's a small number of women who didn't own a Rimmel lipstick at one point in life, and the Kate collection is the best in my opinion, especially Kate with matte finish, in red packaging ... These lipsticks are fantastic,with excellent pigmentation, they are long lasting and look wonderful on the lips. If you haven't tried them in any chance I highly recommend them. They are somewhere around 3 euros.
O dvije nijanse ovog ruža sam pisala u ovom postu, tako da neću ništa posebno pisati ovdje, osim što ću opet ponoviti da su pre predobri. Koštaju 4,50 KM (2,25 eura).
(ENG) I wrote about two shades of these lipsticks in this post, so i wont be writing about them here, I will only state again that they are awesome. They cost 2,25 euros each.
(ENG) I wrote about two shades of these lipsticks in this post, so i wont be writing about them here, I will only state again that they are awesome. They cost 2,25 euros each.
O ovom puderu u prahu, odnosno fiksatoru šminke sam mnogo čitala, sve pozitivno naravno, i tako se našao i kod mene i odmah sam ga i zavoljela. Koža divno izgleda nakon nanošenja i trajanje pudera na mom licu produži za sat-dva, što je mnogo, obzirom da ja imam užasno, ali užasno masnu kožu. Cijena mu je oko 8 KM (4 eura) ako se ne varam i jeftiniju, a bolju stvar nećete nigdje naći.
(ENG) I read a lot about this loose fixing powder , positive things, of course, so I bought it, and I immediately fell in love with it. The skin looks great after theapplication of this powder and it keeps my face an hour or two more from getting shiny, which is a lot, considering that I have terribly, terribly oily skin. It costs around 4 euros if I'm not mistaken, and you won't find a cheaper, yet better thing, that you can be sure of.
(ENG) I read a lot about this loose fixing powder , positive things, of course, so I bought it, and I immediately fell in love with it. The skin looks great after theapplication of this powder and it keeps my face an hour or two more from getting shiny, which is a lot, considering that I have terribly, terribly oily skin. It costs around 4 euros if I'm not mistaken, and you won't find a cheaper, yet better thing, that you can be sure of.
Nyx rumenilo u nijansi mocha sam narucila prije nekih mjesec dana iz Arena shopa i od tada ga koristim gotovo svaki dan. Divne je pigmentacije, lijepo se nanosi i blenda i jako mi se svidja. Na putu ka meni je i nijansa Pinched koju jedva čekam da isprobam, jer je dosta hvaljena i kod stranih blogerica. Cijena ovog rumenila je tačno 10 KM (5 eura)
(ENG) I ordered a NYX blush, in mocha, from Arena web shop and I've used it almost every single day since then. The pigmentations is lovely, it blends wonderfully and I love it. I also ordered one in pinched, it hasn't arrived yet, but I can hardly wait to have it my hands, since that shade is well known and loved among beauty gurus. The blush cost me 5 euros.
Catrice sjenila mozete nabaviti po cijeni od 5,85 KM (3 eura) u CM-u i izbor nijansi je veliki. Pigmentacija im je dobra i uz bazu traju jako dugo, a daju se i fino blendati sa drugim sjenilima. Cijena im je odlicna i vjerujem da će svako za sebe naći par nijansi...
(ENG) You can get Catrice eyeshadows at a price of 3 euros in CM(our local drugstore) and they come in a large variety of shades. They are well pigmented used over a base, they are long lasting and blend well with other eyeshadows. Their price is really good and everyone should find a few shades for themselves.
Ova micelarna mi je odlična za skidanje šminke. Ima isti sastav kao i L'orealova, isto koštaju-9,95 KM
(5 eura), ali je ova Garnier duplo veća. Malčice mi smrdi na vlagu, ali obzirom na to kako mi dobro skida svu šminku sa lica, tu činjenicu zanemarujem.
(ENG) I find this micellar water great for taking off my makeup. The ingredients are the same as in L'oreal's micellar solution, but Garnier's packaging is double in size. It does smell like humidity a bit, but considering how well it takes off my entire makeup, I'm neglecting the fact.
(ENG) I find this micellar water great for taking off my makeup. The ingredients are the same as in L'oreal's micellar solution, but Garnier's packaging is double in size. It does smell like humidity a bit, but considering how well it takes off my entire makeup, I'm neglecting the fact.
Najviše volim koristiti olovke za uredjivanje svojih obrva, a ove Essence koja je prejeftina mi odlično služi za tu svrhu. Kod mene je verzija za plavuše i paše mi boja perfektno, a olovke su taman tvrde koliko trebaju biti i meni olovka stoji koliko i ostatak šminke. U njoj sam našla savršenu olovku i nema potrebe da tražim dalje. Košta oko 4 KM (2 eura).
(ENG) I prefer using eyebrow pencils to shape my eyebrows, and the Essence pencils are way too cheap, but excellent for doing what they are supposed to. I've got the shade for blondes and it suits me perfectly. They are just hard enough and stay on me just as long as the rest of my makeup. This is the perfect eyebrow pencil for me and I won't be looking any further than this. It's around 2 euros.
Ovo je odličan drogerijski puder za masnokošce koji košta samo 8,95 KM (5 eura) Lako se blenda, ne suši se previše brzo, a moć pokrivanja mu je fantastična...Pokrije mi svo crvenilo na licu, a ima ga mnogo, vjerujte...Kod nas je dostupan u 6 nijansi i vjerujem da ćete naći odgovarajuću za sebe.
(ENG) This is a great drugstore foundation for those of you with oily skin and it costs only 5 euros. It blends easily, doesn't dry too fast, and it has great coverage. It covers all my redness, and I'm waaay to red in face. There are six shades to choose from here and you'll probably find a shade for yourself.
To bi bilo mojih top 10 jeftinih proizvoda, a ako o nekom od ovih proizvoda želite čitati malo detaljnije, napišite mi to u komentarima.
(ENG) That is all in my top 10 under 10 post. If there's a product you would like to know more about you can tell me in the comments below.
Ja taman kontam koliko volim ove postove i vidim da se spominjem haha :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiProbala sam većinu ovih stvari i stvarno su dobre. Avon baza vrijedi bar 10 puta više :D
:-D. Sve ovo je stvarno super, a za bazu se slažem, vrijedi mnogo, mnogo više...
IzbrišiBaza je odlična, klasična Supershock mi je bolja od ove max, Essence puder za setovanje takođe je odličan, a GR matte i micelarnu uskoro uzimam :D. Malo mi fali da precrtam sve sa liste xD
OdgovoriIzbrišiNisam probala klasičnu Supershock, ali probaću je, sigurno... Još malo i križaš sve :-D Super!
IzbrišiOdličan post :) Od ovih proizvoda probala sam samo Avon bazu i Essence puder za fiksiranje i volim i jedno i drugo :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala :-D Dobro je i ovo ostalo :-D
IzbrišiSuper post! Baš ću probati ove Golden Rose ruževe, Rimmelovi su mi odlični, kao i ova olovka za obrve :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiGolden Rose ruževe probaj obavezno, predobri su!
IzbrišiEh, sa spiska nemam samo GR ruževe, ali uskoro uskorooo.... i nemam taj essence puder za fiksiranje. sa svim ostalim se slazem s tobom :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiPa onda moras probati ovo dvoje obzirom da se slazemo :-)
IzbrišiPročitala sam par recenzija za tu Avon bazu i svi je hvale :) još je nemam u posjedu ali morat ću hehe
OdgovoriIzbrišiA što se tiče Rimmel-a stay matte, ja ne znam šta baš da mislim o njemu pošto je meni koža mješovita i kad ga nanesem negdje se fino primi a negdje izlgeda samo površinski :/ ali za prekrivanje se slažem, fino prekrije.
Avon baza je super, ja sam taman svoju potrošila i ne mogu da dočekam da mi stigne nova. I kod mene je mješovita trenutno, ali opet fino prekrije. Koristiš li prajmer?
IzbrišiOvaj tip posta mi se svidja, kao i sam post! xDDDDDDDDD :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala. Napiši onda i ti svoju verziju i ostavi mi link u komentarima :-) Možda otkrijem još nešto dobro, a jeftino...